On January 15th, Rho Gamma Omega Chapter celebrated the 115th Founders’ Day for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® by honoring Anna Easter Brown, one of the original nine founders of the sorority with a program on the historical impact of the occasion followed by a Rededication Ceremony. The program was held at the West Orange Public Library in West Orange, NJ and featured remarks from the West Orange Mayor, Susan McCartney, as well as Tammy Williams, West Orange Council President, and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha. The Rededication Ceremony, led by 34th North Atlantic Regional Director Mary Bentley-LaMar, took place at the historical marker that was installed for Founder Brown, who was born and raised in the town. It is the first historical marker in West Orange. We are proud to continue the legacy of sisterhood and service in the communities of the Oranges and Maplewood, NJ! 💗💚 #AKAFoundersDay #AnnaEasterBrown #AKANAR #AKARGO #RGOSTRONG #AKA1908
